Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using this website. Your use of our website confirms your unconditional acceptance of our terms and conditions as set out in this document. Please also read our privacy policy and shipping and delivery information before committing yourself to any decisions based on the information on this website.

This online merchant is located in Australia.

Content (including Products, Media, Prices and Specifications)

All content on this website including product descriptions, images, videos, prices and specifications are subject to change without notice.

All weights, measures and specifications are approximate only and while we make all reasonable efforts to present this information correctly we do not make any guarantees to its accuracy and will not be binding on Razorback Canopies.

Pricing on our website does not constitute a formal quote and customers using this website should call customer service on 02 9627 7000 if they consider the product pricing, freight costs or warranty displayed on the website to be inaccurate. While we take every effort to display our pricing and warranty information accurately, Razorback Canopies will not be held liable for any mistakes by its staff.

The inclusion of any products on this website does not imply that the goods are in stock or still currently available. While we make every effort to keep our customers up to date with stock levels and availability we will not be held liable for any stock shortages or stock discontinuation.

While it is our practice to confirm orders by email, phone or sales order we reserve the right to without prior notice to limit the order quantity on any product or service and/or to refuse service to any customer. We may also require verification of information prior to the acceptance and/or shipment of any order. A customer order does not become binding on Razorback Canopies until an invoice has been issued and signed off by a manager of Razorback Canopies.

It is your responsibility to ascertain and obey all applicable state, federal and international laws in regard to the possession, use and sale of any item purchased from this website. By placing an order, you represent that the products ordered will be used in a lawful manner.

Shipping Limitations

Upon placing your order we will ship it to the address you have provided to us as long as that shipping address is compliant with shipping restrictions listed on this website.

The customer must bare all risks and costs associated with providing Razorback Canopies with an incorrect shipping address.

When placing an order you bare all risks for loss or damage in transit unless you take up the freight insurance options provided by Razorback Canopies, please see our Freight Insurance Policy during checkout for more information.

All prices quoted in Australia include mainland Australia and mainland Tasmania only. Customers must call customer service on 02 9627 7000 for a customised freight quote for islands off the mainlands listed.

Use of this Web-site

This website is for the use of our customers and all text, graphics, information, designs, logos, content are the property of Razorback Canopies and may not be used without the express permission of Razorback Canopies.

You may not modify the information or materials located on this website in any way or reproduce or publically display, perform or distribute or otherwise use any such materials without express permission.

Razorback Canopies does however allow its customers and website visitors to email or print off information to send to friends and relatives for the purposes of helping them make purchase decisions from Razorback Canopies.